Vaginal Microbiota and its Oncological Risk

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Victor Manuel Vargas Hernandez

Journal Details


Published: 26 June 2019 | Article Type :


Background: Microbes inhabit all the sites of the human body and play an important role in health; The normal vaginal microbiota is composed mainly of Lactobacillus, and these have a role in the carcinogenesis of cervical cancer (both protective and harmful), for the acquisition or persistence of infection by human papillomavirus and subsequent development of cervical precursors and cancer cervical; women with HPV infection have greater microbial diversity and a lower proportion of Lactobacillus spp; the use of next-generation sequencing techniques; has identified 5 bacterial groups associated with the severity of the cervical precursor lesions and their modulation towards a stable dominant microenvironment of Lactobacillus ssp., promotes the purification of HPV.

Conclusion: The relationship between HPV infection, cervical precursor lesions and vaginal microbiota play a role in the tumor microenvironment; influencing the immune response, susceptibility to infection and development of cervical cancer; together with the other risk factors in the host. Women with vaginal microbiota Vaginal Microbiota of high diversity and cervical pathology should have greater vigilance and / or treatment.

Keywords: Bacterial vaginosis, HPV, HIV, lactobacillus, probiotics, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, cervical cancer, lactic acid, hormonal contraception, carcinogenesis, community-state types (CSTs), high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.

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How to Cite


Victor Manuel Vargas Hernandez. (2019-06-26). "Vaginal Microbiota and its Oncological Risk." *Volume 2*, 1, 37-42